Hello! Today I thought I would start off with a little "get to know me session". First off, I am now officially an adult. I turned 18 last year in December. I am currently taking my A Levels studying English Language, Media Studies and Photography at my sixth form in South West England. I am hoping to go to university in September to study 'Advertising and Marketing' at either Bournemouth or Plymouth uni, which I literally can not wait for! I have had a full drivers licence since May and I live with my mama, dad, younger sister and our little puppy dog, Tilly!
My Dad and I on holiday when I was 5 years old (t.left) | Baby me! (Right) | Me and my friend (b.left)
Above are some photos from when I was a child to now. I haven't always lived where I do now. I grew up in Devon, where most of my family still live. I went to primary school there and spent a lot of my time with my friends and family. When I was in Year 4 we moved up to where we are now and I continued my eduction here. I enjoy art photography dance and spending time with my friends. I am sucker for a good night out of party! I absolutely love Christmas and New year and hope that 2013 will be just as great at 2012 was for me. Hope you have enjoyed getting to know a bit about me and my life and enjoyed seeing my cheeky baby photographs!

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