I wanted to start making posts specifically about fighting breakouts. I had trouble with spots for years with my chin and forehead being my most affected areas. Now my skin isn't too bad, however I am left with a lot of light scarring on my chin and around my nose. Luckily my forehead is ok. This scars were probably due to the fact that I am so bad with just leaving my spots alone. I always had to pick at them or squeeze them to try and make they go away. This does not help and not only will you be transferring more oil and dirt to the affected area but you will also be left with visible scarring in the long run which is not nice. It also makes me not want to go anywhere without a coverup.

I do really like this product, however I can understand why people wouldn't want to spend £30 on it as it doesn't completely get rid of the scars/redness. I am going to keep using it daily and see if there is any more progress. This product isn't really for reducing breakouts, it's more helping to reducing scars from acne prone skin. I would definitely recommend this product as it has helped my skin look a lot clearer. Has anyone else used this product?
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